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The Dangers Of Insufficient Sleep

February 15, 2022

How Much Are Those Sleepless Nights Hurting You

Lonestar logo, text on dangers of insufficient sleep, sleeping woman

Sufficient sleep is essential for our overall wellbeing. It is recommended to have at least seven hours of sleep per night for those 18 to 64 years old. Nearly 1/3 of adults reports less than 6 hours of sleep a night. Shortened sleep periods can lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity and other health consequences.

Factors that contribute to interruptions in sleep patterns:

-Shift work interrupting regular sleep times

-Obstructive sleep apnea

-Disruption of regular circadian rhythm from school, work, or family obligations

-Medications or illicit drug use

-Habitual short sleepers. (This can be a normal variant.)

Keeping a sleep diary can be helpful to monitor and assist in developing better sleeping patterns. A sleep diary can include time to bed, time to sleep, number of times waking up at night, number of times getting out of bed at night and number of daytime naps.

Actigraphy can measure sleep time and sleep quality. This is not always required. An actigraphy monitor is usually worn on your wrist. This records movements and estimates sleep parameters.

Ways to improve sleep time:

-Stick to a regular schedule

-Have a regular bedtime routine

-Avoid naps in the afternoon

-Exercise regularly

-Maintain a comfortable sleep environment

-Avoid tobacco, caffeinated beverages, energy drinks and heavy meals at night

-Avoid alcohol

-Do not use electronics before bedtime

A sleep medicine specialist can address problems if modifying activities does not improve sleep patterns. If you are experiencing concerning symptoms and worry habitual lack of sleep may be manifesting in emergency medical concerns, a doctor board certified in emergency medicine is always ready for you at Lonestar 24 HR ER in New Braunfels, TX.

MedicalNewsToday.com, "Could getting enough sleep help with weight loss?" Timothy Huzar, Feb 10, 2022.

STD testing
October 31, 2024
This blog explores the critical reasons why everyone should prioritize STD testing. Visit our local clinic today for testing.
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Dealing with chronic pain? Read on to learn more about three key reasons to visit your local urgent care for effective and timely relief.
June 5, 2024
In New Braunfels and Canyon Lake areas, where people enjoy an active lifestyle, understanding when abdominal pain warrants a trip to the emergency room is essential. At Lonestar 24 HR ER, we are committed to educating our community about the symptoms and causes of abdominal pain, ensuring that you know when to seek help. Symptoms can often be vague and may require a medical evaluation to determine a benign versus life-threatening reason for the pain. Gastroenteritis, GERD, and constipation are benign causes. However, their symptoms can often overlap with more serious causes such as appendicitis, diverticulitis, bowel obstruction, and kidney infections. In women, gynecologic problems can present with abdominal pain such as ovarian cysts or ectopic pregnancies. Common symptoms include: Cramping: Often benign but can be severe if persistent. Localized Pain: Might indicate an issue with an organ such as the appendix or gallbladder. Diffuse Pain: Can spread across a large area and sometimes indicate infections like gastroenteritis. Chronic Pain: Frequently associated with conditions like ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Residents of New Braunfels and Canyon Lake should seek immediate medical attention if they experience severe pain, fever, inability to drink fluids, persistent vomiting, blood in your stool or emesis, jaundice or severe pain and tenderness of the abdomen. At Lonestar 24 HR ER in New Braunfels, TX, we understand how unsettling abdominal pain can be. Our emergency room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced emergency care physicians who are ready to provide you with fast, comprehensive care. If you or someone you know is experiencing severe or persistent abdominal pain, do not hesitate to visit us. We are here to provide the care you need, right when you need it the most. Remember, abdominal pain is not something to ignore. Listening to your body and knowing when to seek professional help can make a significant difference in your health and well-being. Stay safe, New Braunfels and Canyon Lake! Experiencing abdominal pain? Visit Lonestar 24 HR ER for immediate care or call us to speak with an emergency care specialist today. Your health is our top priority.
emergency room
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